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Orange Julius

25 Nov


I was at a Red Rock Casino the other day with my girls, heading to a movie. Zoe asked me what an Orange Julius was. I don’t know where that comment even came from, because there isn’t one there. I do believe that she has not had an Orange Julius, since she was very little. I told her I would make one later, knowing very well that i had all the ingredients at home. This afternoon, I decided to make the Orange Julius for the three of us. It was very delicious. I forgot how good they could be. I’m so glad that i whipped these up to reminded myself. Plus, it’s vegan so it’s even better.


Orange Julius
Yield: 4 servings


• 6 ounces frozen orange juice concentrate
• 1 cup almond milk
• 1 cup water
• 1/4 cup raw cane sugar
• 1 teaspoon vanilla
• 8 ice cubes


1. Combine all ingredients, except ice cubes, in blender.

2. Blend 1-2 minutes , add the ice cubes and blend until smooth.


I’m ADD. There is no denying it. During the movie, I made this. I decided to leave it for the movie theatre cleaners. I hope it made someone’s day brighter.

Chocolate Berry Hemp Protein Smoothie

27 Oct


Since I’ve been doing yoga so much, as in everyday, I haven’t been making many smoothies. I feel like I need more of there nutritional, goodness in my life. This morning I was busy, blending one up in my ninja.




Chocolate Berry Hemp Protein Smoothie

Yeild: 1 1/2 cups or one serving


• 1 cup berries of choice
• 1/2 banana
• 1 cup chocolate almond milk
• 1 Tbsp hemp protein powder


1. Place all the ingredients into your blender, ninja etc and blend away. If its too thick, add more almond milk until desired consistency is achieved.

2. Enjoy immediately.

Down the hatch it goes!



Green smoothie

1 Sep

This afternoon I needed a little pick me up. For a while I was making this drink or a version of it, ever morning. It’s not always the same. It varies depending on what I have in the fridge. Sometimes I will add strawberries or pineapple. Pea or protein powder are also a great addition. About 1 Tbsp is a good amount to add. Most of the time I will make it with soy milk, but I’m almost out. I opted to us vanilla almond milk today. I think it tastes better then the soy milk I normally use.

Green Smoothie


1/2 of an orange (I used a tangelo today)
1/2 of an apple
Handful of spinach
1/2 a cup almond milk

Blend all the ingredients in your blender, ninja of whatever blending device you own. Enjoy!!!

Seriously one of the best breakfast drinks around. Super easy to make, tastes great and the spinach makes you feel amazing and gives you a lot of energy. You can’t go wrong here!