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DIY Hoodie Dye

28 Sep


I have this Hollister hoodie. I’ve been wanting to dye it for over a year. It’s getting kinda old. It’s a little beat up. Its not as white as it us to be. It had a few stains as well. It’s so comfy though. It may have some holes from camping trips, but I love it just the same. I’ve had it for 5 years and I couldn’t bare to part with it.

This week I decided to finally do something about it. I picked up some die from Hobby Lobby. Little did I know, this would not be my last trip there. I ended up going back 2 more times, because my hoodie wasn’t turning out to be the color I wanted.

See all the balls. Now you don’t.

I used this handy electronic device, to remove all the balls. I really suggest buying one. I bought mine from Ross’s for $5 a couple years ago. I’ve used it to make a bunch of older jackets and pants look brand new again.

Things are not looking as expected. You can follow the directions on the package if you like. I suggest going to the Rite Website before hand. They have so many colors to choose from and the color combinations needed to get your desired results. I didn’t think about it until after my first dye job left me with a blue hoodie, instead of grey.

I ended up using two packets of grey. Then, I used 1/2 a bottle of black dye. I dyed my hoodie 3 separate times. Needles to say, it’s still not grey. This purple color will have to do. At least the dye covered the imperfections. I’m not all that fond of the color purple. I still like my final results though. I was hoping to make this hoodie grey, to wear with my grey boots during the winter season. I suppose I’ll still wear it with the boots. It just wasn’t what I expected.

Now, because I was doing so much dying the last 3 days, I decided to do more. I wanted to do a more ombré effect on one of my pink hoodies. I’m not too fond of pick as well. I bought this pink hoodie, because it fit and i needed a lightweight hoodie. I thought, I might as well use the left over black dye.

20120927-142740.jpgNext, I decided where I wanted the ombré effect to start. I tied an elastic band around the hoodie. This helped to keep everything lined up, together and distinguish how much of the hoodie to put into the dye bath. I ended up leaving it in the dye for 20 minutes. I rinsed the dye out of the hoodie. Then, I added more black to the dye bath. I submerged a smaller portion of the hoodie into the bath. I left it for 20 minutes more. Once done, I rinsed it out again and washed it in the washing machine.

I’m really pleased with the finished product. The purple close to my face, brings out my eyes. Plus, I can now wear this hoodie with more clothes then I could beforehand.

DIY Pom Poms

18 Sep


I’ve been seeing a lot of cute rooms with Pom poms lately. Mostly, thanks to pinterest. I decided I should make some for my daughters bedrooms, to put above their beds. My daughter and I set out to buy all the things we would need. Tissue paper from the Dollar Store, Joann’s Fabrics for the floral wire and Sport Chalet for some fishing line. I already had scissors and tacks to hang them from the ceiling.


I used two different methods for making the Pom poms. I first tried this way. Then I searched a little more and found another great tutorial here that I absolutely loved. I made a combination of the two with different colors and sizes. I had a lot to fun making these. Each time I was done I would run upstairs to my daughters room to hang one and run downstairs to make another. It took me about 3 hours in all to make 26 Pom poms of various sizes and layers. Some had 5,7,8 or 9. This time does include, running upstairs, deciding where to hang and sometimes rearranging.


I really can’t get over how cute they look. I’m loving these Pom poms. Such an easy way to cheer up a girls room .  On another note, don’t mind the awful paintings on the wall.  We are renting and I can’t paint over them.  My daughter and myself, really wish we could.